We all had a lot of fun with Masami’s birthday celebration. Leila and Masami could not be more evenly matched with any other game that they play than the game of poker. They split their tip money exactly in half, played all night, and ended up with the same amount of money they started with.
The competition between the girls never seems to end. They had a personal bet to see who may have a stronger fan-base between the two. They told no one, not even me what they were doing. It was two selfies they posted; the difference was that Masami posted her selfie five hours after Leila.

Leila: The whole idea with doing this was to prove to Masami that she is quite popular, and people really like her. And you know Masami; care-free about whether or not people like her at all.
Masami: Well ultimately, who cares? I do not?

From this contest that was for three days, Masami ended up being only eight views from Leila.
Leila: I told you!!
Masami: Again, who cares?
Leila was elated about Masami doing her nails for her.

There really never is a dull moment with my babies. They jaw at each other all the time. It is always entertaining and fun too me, and I at least, walk away from their conversations knowing that they truly love each other. This just makes me feel so alive, knowing that I have this blessing in our home.
Leila got off the couch because she had to go to the bathroom. When she came out, I had her stop in her tracks while grabbing my camera.

Me: Excellent shoot! My goodness, it is hot in here. I need fresh air and go to the store to get what I need to cook us up some ribs tonight.
Masami: Yummy!
Leila: Ok baby, hurry back so I can cool you down some!
After mine and Leila’s standard and established peck on her cheek goodbye for now, I shut our front door behind me and headed to the store.
Any time that I am away from Leila and Masami, instinctually I always miss them both. I think about them and worry too, but don’t tell them that please.
I also occasionally spend time in reflection about how far our journey together has come.
Me: .oO(Just over two years, and 81 blog posts now?!? Wow.)
After getting back home and closing the door, this is the first thing I saw.

And then another…

Three swinging ghosts hanging from the ceiling! Leila had also changed her clothes, and was on the phone, while Masami was between watching TV and on the I-pad.
Leila: Hi baby!

Me: Who is she talking too?
Masami: Her little sister. Boy issues.
Me: Ahh, ok. It isn’t too early to start putting up Halloween decorations?
Masami: Ok, Mr. Christmas.
Me: Ok, fair enough.
Leila wanted to add her selfie pictures this week in this post. Apparently, she went through nine wigs until she found the one that worked best in her opinion. Masami and I thought she made a very good choice: Purple Perry.

Leila wore these earrings last year, and Masami very much wanted to wear them this year.

I love being at, and coming back home. I often feel special because I get to have something that no one else will ever have; two lovely ladies named Leila and Masami.
