Happy Valentines Day 2022 everyone! Leila and Masami and I were so excited to put something together for the second time on this day!
I love learning about things that the three of us have in instant agreement, and one thing to happily report is that all of us LOVE the smell of tulips!
So first thing in the morning, I bought and brought home our tulips for the Valentines Day celebration!

Leila was in an interesting mood—for some reason, she has become a ‘selfie-monster’ now that Masami has taught her how to use the camera.

The rings for the girls did finally come in, and again Leila was elated about that too. Masami is still deciding what rings she wants to wear, but Leila made her choices almost immediately upon their arrival.
She of course loves the owl, yet even happier putting the heart ring on her left hand ring-finger. She looked me deep in the eyes when she first put it on.

Masami has recently become the hair police. We had a lot to do to get this post done, but she wanted Leila to limit how many wigs she can try on before choosing the one she wants to wear for all shoots going forward.
Masami: If I do not do this, you will wear every single wig we have!

Yesterday morning, something magical happened. This was very early, and as the sun was coming up. I had to take a picture of it, and honestly, it put a fire under me.
I talked to the girls about continuing doing more ‘The Slide Show Queens’ episodes.
Neither one hesitated to say yes.

Leila totally loves this new outfit.
Leila: It is beyond cute!!!

Masami: Leila, stop taking selfies, and help me put our set together! We need to have this all done when Chazz gets home.
Leila: Yes, mother.
Masami: Snotty brat, help me.
Leila: Ok, ok!

Leila and Masami, in their own odd way, continue to be a good team. They both stated that they loved the bedding scene, but wanted something more.

Leila: All of our blankets in this!
Masami: Where?
Leila: On the wall, overlapping the hearts!
Masami: Ok, but we would have to move the giant cards Chazz gave us.
Their compromise:

When I got home and saw all of this, I practically dropped to my knees! Leila and Masami did a really great job in putting this all together!
They were both so tired from all their work, they could barely take the last shot.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!
