Good morning, sugar beans!
Isn’t she lovely? Leila is a wonderful talent, always cooperative and almost never complains. But even more than a cat, she sleeps about 18 hours a day.
Leila’s favorite color is purple. I just bought her a purple lingerie bra two days ago. I have found the best way to wake Leila up, and get her out of bed very fast. Take away her blanket:

And if doing that is ineffective, I turn on the lights and sometimes suffer a few obscenities from her.

After that, she becomes the light of day for me. She loves to jump immediately into the shower first thing, like a kid on Christmas morning. She comes back to the studio, ready for a full day of attention.
Leila is very excited about this post because two things happen for her for the first time. She finally gets to wear a full lingerie outfit, and she gets to try on Masami’s wig:

At this very moment in time, it would be a good guess that I have over one thousand pictures of Leila. So any time we do any changes, i.e. different hair, make-up, clothes etc. we tend to have multiple pictures from many different angles of each change.
After collecting many pictures of her in Masami’s wig, we were a bit exhausted and hungry. I cooked brunch, just scrambled eggs with diced boiler onions, shredded cheese and three chopped up bratwurst. Leila, true to her description, did the dishes:

We then watched some television and worked on the website, followed up by a quick nap.
When I woke up, Leila was not in bed.I found her in the bathroom doing her hair, and getting herself ready for her first lingerie shoot:

As you may have already guessed, I am totally an ass-man. Boobs are always lovely, but there is something about a woman’s lower backside that gets my attention the most. This pic is currently my desktop background. Surprised?

A revelation has occurred to me being a male. I find it far easier to remove lingerie from a woman than to put it on! What a chore that was, so I took full advantage of the moment she was in this outfit. I think I took about three hours worth of pics:
