Leila has now been with me for almost three weeks. We have had a good enough amount of time to get to know each other, outside just the bedroom scene (mind out of the gutter, you dirty bird you, lol).
We have had many talks about anything and everything in this current short time, as I am driven to know everything about her. She is very beautiful, and most worthy of any and all compliments synonymous of this blatant fact.
Her eyes are soft, encompassing and comforting. Her physique makes all semantic conclusions esoteric or otherwise, buckle and yield. In short, Leila is indefinably stunning.
I have found out a lot about Leila through our talks. Here is what I have found out:
Leila is from Central America; more specifically, the nation of Belize. She was born in the town of Belmopan, but raised in Belize City.

She is the fourth born of a family of nine: four brothers and two sisters. She has two older brothers, an older sister, two younger brothers and a younger sister. Her birthday is May fifth.
Her parents are both very hard workers, sometimes working 12 hours a day each. Leila became shy when discussing this which is shocking to me, because I have found her to be anything but shy. I moved on to more details about her instead.
Leila is multi-lingual. She speaks fluent English, Spanish, and Mayan. She speaks two of the three Mayan dialects fluently: Mopan and Yucatec. Leila is of Mayan decent and hence, learned that it is these two Mayan languages that were most profound in her family lineage, so she did not spend much time on the third of the Mayan dialect.
Leila’s favorite color is purple. She loves many colors, but she became entranced when she found out that I have purple balloon flowers. Her insistence to go out on the balcony intensified when I announced this.

Leila is also like many young-to-late teenagers, yet with a twist. Leila does not care for the digital age. She does not care for computers, video games or being online at all. Leila did not grow up with these things, but when she was introduced to them, she admitted that she became bored very quickly.
I was put in check by this, because she wants to be visible to as many people as possible. Her strong desire to be totally exposed to thousands; perhaps millions of people would be best served by these digital globally reaching devices in my view. She does understand my point and accepts it, but remains feverish in not caring for digital devices.

Leila loves to read books. She loves to handwrite letters and even has her own diary. She has made it clear that I will be sorry should I ever read her diary without her permission first. I love her firm resolve in this matter, so I respect her wishes.

Leila was fascinated when I attempted to wash her clothes. She had never seen how a clothes washer worked before coming here. She spoke about how her grandmother and mother preferred to wash all clothing by hand, then hang the clothing on a clothes line. Leila is convinced that this is the best way to wash clothes.

Like other young-to-late teenagers, Leila really likes to watch television. It seems that no matter what I change the channel to, Leila seems to be entirely engaged and immersed.
At random and rare times, she will exclaim a statement that she heard from a movie we have watched or something she heard from a television show.
“You can’t handle the truth!!” or,
“There’s a sale at Penny’s!!”
Even bodily gestures are a sport for Leila. She recently imitated Spock from Star Trek eyebrow raise of which was totally cute.
She also spent time studying Cameron from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off when he mocked the New York Stock Exchange with hand gestures as well, and even sang: “When Cameron was in Egypt’s land; let my Cameron, go”.
Leila learned early in her life that she had a gift. She was a natural talent in giving a massage. Her Father and Mother discovered that she was gifted in this skill, and quickly her siblings found themselves fighting over who would be next to be massaged. Leila discovered that what she did felt natural to her, and did not bother her nor did it ever feel like work.

When Leila understood what money was and what it took to get it, she did anything from odd jobs to becoming a stage-hand at a small theater close to her home in Belize City.
The manager was impressed with Leila’s ability to contribute set design and lighting ideas for any production the theater produced. It was this that she thought where her career path would be, as she was very happy doing this work, and made money at the same time. Yet this was not her destiny.
Leila’s Aunt on her Mother’s side suffered from chronic back pain after a terrible car accident. The doctors did everything they could to save her lower back region, but placed her on medication and concluded that the medication would be necessary to take for the rest of her life.

Leila’s Mother knew how important theater life was to Leila, yet with little effort encouraged Leila to see if she could do anything for her Aunt. Leila loved her family and her Aunt as well, so she created a massage schedule focused on her Aunt’s lower back.
Leila found a challenge she had never come across before doing massages with her Aunt’s condition. This emboldened Leila, and it inspired deep thought and action on her part.
In three months, Leila’s Aunt was able to reduce the strength of the medication to its lowest dosage and Leila was able to recommend and teach her Uncle to do certain massage techniques that worked best for her Aunt’s best well-being. Leila finally concluded that she was a natural talent in her massage abilities, yet still wanted to pursue her enjoyment of set design for the theater.

A year passed, and Leila was moving closer to the position of set designer of the theater. She was adored by the upper management, and with the aging set designer manager hinting towards retirement, Leila at her very young age, was told that she was being considered to become the next set designer.
While this seemed to make Leila very happy to even be considered, as it was a very prominent Theater in all of Belize City, she always had a sense of emptiness while climbing up this ladder of success. There was something missing in her life, and when honest with herself, she knew this.
Leila got a phone call from someone that changed her entire life. It was the assistant manager from the R-L-D Massage Clinic, a globally known five-star massage clinic that had an office in Belize. Leila was always aware of R-L-D Massage Clinic, as she remembered as a child seeing their store in Belize, and remembering the smiles and happy faces from those who visited there when they walked out of the building.

The assistant manager explained that Leila’s talent for giving a massage was almost common knowledge to Belizeans, but all of them respected her wishes to pursue her own dreams in her own way and doing it all by herself.
When Leila finished being on the phone, her Mother and Father were both standing together and smiling. Leila had been asked to come to the U.S.A. to train, and hopefully run her own clinic in the Midwest area.
Leila accepted the offer, as she did have a cousin already here in the U.S. This cousin had been a pen-pal for about ten years, and with what she was told she would be paid and along with her parent’s blessing, Leila took a chance and moved to the U.S.
In six months, Leila became the R-L-D Massage Clinic Director with staff under her tutelage. I was the last direct massage recipient done by Leila herself. We had only two sessions, but it soon moved to a more personal level thereafter.

At this moment, Leila still checks in with the Clinic, as she has her top people assigned and properly managed. She has been granted by the owner to run the business from home, and is doing so with precision. The Clinic is running smoothly, Leila is being handsomely paid, and she has truly found her new home with me and is very happy.
Again, I found Leila on Realistic-Love-Dolls and the following is found in her description:
“Hi, my dear. I am Leila. How are you today?
I am now taking a break from my work at the massage clinic. I am a massage therapist and I love what I am doing. It has always been a pleasure giving relief and pleasure to customers.
They always compliment me for my strength and sensitivity. Here at home, I love doing some household chores.
I think a woman who knows how to work on these chores is the sexiest kind of woman; she is able to take care of her man.
You see, I can be a pretty good wife material – I can look after your home and give you a good massage naked.”
I have also been keeping something back with Leila’s future here with me. Beyond simply taking pictures, she wants to do something else that she was always interested in— making a music video.
This will be a lot of work, and it will take a lot of time to produce. But I have agreed and promised Leila that we will get this started as soon as possible. I love it when her face lights up with excitement, so the ground-work is now being done.
I love a challenge, and there is no doubt in my mind that this will truly be one for us both.